Mr. Todd Nurnberg



Position: Principal


Birthday: September 14th


T-shirt Size: XL


Food Allergies: None


Favorite Candy or Snack: Anything I can give to our staff on a day that needs a good snack.


Favorite Drink or Sonic Drink:  Anything in a small can that can be passed out to staff on a day that needs a good snack.


Favorite Color: Blue


Favorite Sport/Sport Team: Chiefs. I'll root for the Bears to support Tom🤣.


Favorite Hobby: Reading, Camping, Grilling


Favorite places for a $10 gift card? Dutch Bros.


Favorite Flower/Plant:  Plastic. They are harder to kill.


Favorite Bath & Body Works scents: Staff bathrooms always need Poo-Pourii. 


Updated 12/11/2023